Do you ever look at the land around you and imagine how it used to look thousands of years ago?
Filter out all the modern clutterings and focus on the timeless parts - the greenery under foot and the wild edges of lanes, the robin flitting from side to side ahead, and the weak winter sun bringing at least a little relief from the chilly wind. Open your other senses to it: birdsong in the hedges, woodsmoke in the air.
As the soil stirs with the first shoots, this is the season of the quickening - the time when slowly, slowly and then suddenly

with a burst of life, everything begins to turn green again. It's the time of year when Mother Nature wakes things up and the plants and trees start showing signs of life. There are welcome signs of spring in the bluebell woods.
This is the start of my favourite time of year, when everything is waking up and the quickening is underway 🙂 Every morning when we go to the woods we're greeted by bird song, and hear the skylarks dancing about out of view. You stand there

trying to see them, then catch a glimpse high in the air, singing away. Buzzards circling together screeching their call across the canopy, it's timeless 🙂
Without fail, the ravens chatter as they fly overhead as if they're broadcasting the morning's news to anything that'll listen. Bit by bit the green returns to the land, each plant bursting through the soil, having its moment after the cold of winter.

I wish everyone could view the world like this in the morning. What does this time of year look like in your part of the world?
Pics above (clockwise from top left): 1) Bluebell leaves emerging, 2) Winter sun, 3) Hazel catkins, 4) Landcress leaves, 5) Lords and Ladies leaves unfurling, 6) Bluebell leaves
The Quickening is also a term used during pregnancy and refers to that magic time when the first tiny movements of the baby are felt within the mothers womb. It is most often seen by others in the mothers face and eyes as a warm 'glow' of love in its purest form. It is a time often equated with when spiritual life (the soul) first enters the mother as a gift from the 'Mother of Us All'. It as a very magical moment that most commonly occurs around the 19th week, but can possibly occur as early as week 14, or as late as week 24 in the pregnancy cycle. In days of old, The Mothers Quickening was celebrated by…
Wonderful post, I was captivated and spellbound while reading it and wish everyone could see the world through your eyes too, thank you.
Hi, good post! I often wonder what things looked like before anything was built around me. I live in an area which is rich in history and I'm surrounded by woods, countryside and coast. I love history and try to work out what my area looked like hundreds of years ago. ike there's a 12th c church and graveyard in the middle of the woods? But no trace of where a village might of stood? I love the changing seasons and it's so nice to see that spring is on the way. I have noticed Catkins and Lord & Ladies but so far no others as yet. But when we do there is always a thick carpet of Celandine and…