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Spirit of Old Facebook Page Update

Writer: woodlarkerwoodlarker

Yellow autumn leave illuminated by sunlight against a mossy green forest background

As most of our readers will know, Woodlarking is an offshoot of our main business, Spirit of Old. Over many years, we've built up a huge and vibrant community of 635k followers on the Spirit of Old Facebook page, and it's been an excellent place for sharing everything from woodland photos, and daft memes, to having a good laugh, and deep discussions.

Two weeks ago Facebook started to limit what we could post, with warnings coming up that our posting was being restricted "due to security reasons". These reasons have never been explained and are still in place. FB have taken away the options of uploading pics directly, hence us starting to use an image hosting service. They have now blocked this as well and have left us unable add any posts at all. We're only left with the option of commenting on past posts.

A Facebook notification saying "sorry you can't post to Facebook from this account"
This has been displaying for weeks (not for the few days as promised in the pic above) when posting pictures, but now displays for every post. The links lead to nothing useful and contacting FB is useless.

We have no violations on the account, no warnings about posts or any other reasons why we should in effect, be banned from FB. We can only assume it's because we're a Pagan page, and we've been hounded and bullied out. The community side of the page has been wonderful and is something really special, but the Meta/Facebook side of the experience is just toxic. There are no real avenues to appeal this (we've tried) and we're just ignored. Maybe one day we'll be back on FB but from now on all posts and shop related stuff will be going through this Woodlarking blog and our Big Cartel shop.

Facebook screenshot which says "page has no issues" and  "no violations to show"
Screenshot from page admin section: The page has no violations, no issues, and even gets a green tick from Facebook

We'll be doing the usual shop updates on Monday and Thursday evenings, UK time with product updates through the blog, and on this shop listing. The update days and time don't vary often, though it does depend on the curveballs life throws in any given week so I'll keep the listing above active with updated info each time.

It's been so cool talking to you all on the FB page, it turned into a proper community 🙂

Please feel free to comment below on this post (to see the comments box, you'll need to scroll down past the "related posts", etc towards the bottom of the page)


Oct 30, 2023

Such is the way of Zuckerberg. It has happened to me and many others and is so frustrating! Glad I found your blog tho! Carry on!!

Oct 30, 2023
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Thank you 😀


Oct 01, 2023

Im sorry this has happened to you, Perhaps posting on Tik Toc and Instagram would be better plat forms.

Oct 01, 2023
Replying to

Thank you


Cianaodh Og
Cianaodh Og
Oct 01, 2023

So weird. My comments keep getting garbled. But I support you in your battle with the big F monster.

Oct 01, 2023
Replying to

Thank you 🙂 Must be cyber gremlins 😆


Lauren Nini-Price
Lauren Nini-Price
Sep 30, 2023

Glad I can still keep up with you here! F*** Facebook and keep doing you!

Oct 01, 2023
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Thank you 🙂


Barbara Kuehl
Barbara Kuehl
Sep 29, 2023

So I signed up a bit ago and I'm so glad I did as Facebook/Meta has decided to limit your account and activity over ridiculous accusations.

I know this is my first comment here and I'm glad that you have another option for those of us that truly adore and appreciate you.

May the old ones always be with you, guide you, bless you in your continued journey.

Sep 29, 2023
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Barbara, I'm so glad you've come over here too :-) Thank you so much for your lovely message! We're looking into adding a forum or similar on here to bring everyone together again .. fingers crossed, early days 😃



Woodlarking is a nature blog full of tales of woodland and witchcraft. Learn about herbs and folklore, plantlore and treelore, Pagan living and the Old Ways. 

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Please enjoy this blog as it's intended, but if you steal content from this site, we'll send a curse your way ...
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