This is the perfect page for me, one of my old user names was sleepinatree... I'm from the woods and currently live in a city and it's kinda killing me
When I die I want to be buried in a tree pod. I want a tree to grow with it's roots under steps that lead up to a mirror behind a door so people can come and see my spirit or themselves...Alyssa Diane I. Wonderland is who I am now,my wedding will be next fall in Pennsylvania Alyssa Diane in wonderland fancy tea party steampunk wedding. It's going to be a bonfire festival I want to celebrate every year at a campground in my hometown. Everyone is invited and encouraged to bring trippy teas and spiked punches, fancy edibles and food and hard cider, hot chocolate fountain with peppermint shnapps.... I'm planning on it to be Columbus day weekend and we will ride in on a horse with a gun dressed like a cowboy and an Indian. He's from Texas I'm from Pennsylvania..... I want everyone to bring musical instruments and crafts and animals and it will be a festival of abundance. I am now Alyssa Diane in wonderland and when I pass away I want people to see me through the looking glass.... from beyond my tree pod.
This is the perfect page for me, one of my old user names was sleepinatree... I'm from the woods and currently live in a city and it's kinda killing me